Online EPUB Reader – Testers Needed

Earlier today Liza Daly, creator of the tei2epub converter, posted the following notice to the ePub Community over at Yahoo Groups;

I’m looking for interested parties to help test an experimental platform for reading ePub-formatted books via the web. There’s minimal effort involved: just upload one or more ePub documents and try it out. If you encounter bugs (which is likely at this stage) I may ask for you to forward the ePub file so I can test it internally.

This is great news and exactly the kind of activity we need to encourage the adoption of the ePub format. I wish Liza all the best and very much look forward to the seeing the reader go live.

To all you tech heads out there, please get in touch with Liza and start digging out those bugs!

You can contact Liza using

(Thanks to Liza for giving permission to use her email address in this article)

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2 thoughts on “Online EPUB Reader – Testers Needed”

  1. Thanks for the notice Liza, I’m now signed up and eager to listen in on the progress.

    It would also be interesting to knowing if you will be optimising your reader for mobile devices. This could be a great for all those web connect devices such as the iPhone.

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